Our values
Our deep-frozen products are available in several sizes, flavours and shapes. Our product portfolio consists of more than 300 products, so everyone can find their favourite
The time dedicated to baking and the long-fermented sourdough ensures the quality of our products.
In addition to the usual bake off products, our baked goods can be found in the freezer aisles of the supermarkets – and, thus, in your own home, too.
It takes only 4-8 minutes of re-baking to entice your loved ones with fresh, crunchy breads and baked goods. Some of our products only need to be defrosted.
Our state-of--the-art technological centre allows us to always continuously improve and develop our products.
Our products are available in several sizes and packaging: from 0.5 to 4 kg bags and small or large boxes.
We provide assistance with orders and promotion materials.